
Wednesday 30 May 2012

WiP Wednesday - at the crunch!

Another 'work-in-progress' report, linked to Freshly Pieced WiP Wednesday!  

This week I am half way through sewing/making my Fat Quarterly Retreat sample swap items to give on Saturday.  I completed one a while back so am now busy making the other five.  Yes, there will be six in total - for two reasons: 
1.  I had just the right amount of fabric for six and
2.  Having six means there are four for the swap, one for me and one as a spare to swap with someone else in case anyone wants it! 

There will be some 'schtuff' inside these little 'London bags' as I now call them [instead of the 'fold over flap button closure bags']... but the contents will remain a surprise for now!  Here they are in different stages of completion! 
This is the amazing fabric I used - London - yay!  How appropriate, right!!?
One done, one almost done and four half done.
I also made these things (ornaments and 'quilted' worry stones) in my pottery class...  My confidence is very low at the moment [my mini PLAY quilt only has 7 votes and the winning mini has 35 so far...] so I'm not entirely sure I will actually give these out to the six+ people I had in mind.... I'll see how I am feeling on Saturday...

What I thought would be cute and nice 'FQ Retreat commemorative ornaments' are now looking like silly homemade crafts by an inexperienced potter/crafter.  Oh well - it's the taking part and trying new things that counts, right!?

The amount of work that went into making them was unbelievable.  First I made my own ceramic stamps from clay that was leather hard and had them fired.  Then I rolled slabs of clay and left that for a week to go leather hard.  I then stamped my stamps into the clay to make the shapes, then cut the the rectangular ornament shape and put a hole in for the ribbon.  These then got fired.  I then had to paint each one with special paint using itty bitty paint brushes and then glazed them all as well, only to be fired again!  I started this process in February and only finished them last week.  I tied a nice royal blue ribbon to hang them with - royal blue since it is Jubilee weekend!  But I'm still not sure if I will give them away...
Hand made stamps and finished ornament.
So, here is a re-cap of what's currently going on - or not going on - in my sewing room!

My Small Projects Sew Along list looks like this:
  1. Fold over flap button closure bags x5 ALMOST DONE
  2. Needle case holder thing DONE
  3. crazy mom quilts Lanyard for scissors DONE
  4. Zakka Itty Bitty Magnets DONE
  5. Zakka Mug Rug DONE
  6. Play Mini Quilt DONE
  7. Zip Organiser
  8. Tweed Pouch
  9. Neckerchief thing
  10. Folding card wallet
  11. Shirt Bunny DONE
  12. Teapot hotpad 
  13. Mix Master hotpad 
My URGENT list:
    Friday I will be linking one of my quilts into the Bloggers Quilt Festival and decide which category to enter.  DONE
  • For Monday, I need to decide what to put in my give away on Give Away Day [May 21st - my birthday!!] which will be pretty cool - be sure to pop back and enter!!  DECIDED, held, and winner has been sent their prize
  • My Precious Amy Butler quilt top being linked up later today DONE
  • ”SewHappyGeekI'm super excited to tell you that I am participating in Plum & June's Let's get Acquainted Blog Hop on May 29th so pop back to my blog on the 29th for a tutorial!  DONE - check out my frayed edge/shaggy quilt tutorial here
  • Also due on Monday May 21st is my Play Mini Quilt linked with Sew Happy Geek. DONE and please vote for me here :)
  • Fat Quarterly Retreat fold over flap bags with button closure!!  These are sooo going to be done last minute, aren't they!!? ALMOST DONE!
  • All done [completed about 7:30pm Thursday 31st] and
    contents added.  Phew - nothing like last minute!
Current WiP's:
  • Sew into Solids Blocks - so behind it hurts! 
  • Zakka Style Sew-Along - Itty Bitty magnets and Mug Rug completed DONE
  • crazy mom quilts Small Project Sew Along - going well.  Have crossed off Scissor lanyard, Shirt Bunny, Mug Rug and Itty Bitty magnets SOME DONE
  • Bee Europa 2012/2013 block #1 to do for Pink Stitches DONE and I did a tiny magnet for her too!
 Long term WiP's [no progress]:
  • Wonky log cabins
  • Wonky houses and trees
  • Wonky stars
UFO list [definitely no progress!]:
  • Mod Sampler quilt
  • Union Jack blocks
  • Green-grey-teal-turquoise quilt
  • Half Square triangle mini quilt
  • Neckerchief thing
  • EPP Pencil case
Have a great rest of the week - I'll see some of you at RETREAT in a few days time!

Linking my five London Bags to:
 May Finishes


  1. I think those quilty pottery ornaments are fab! My mum is a potter, so I completely understand the amount of work they must have taken!

  2. There I just voted for you, can I have one of the ornaments now pls :) I think they are gorgeous and everyone will be fighting over them on the weekend. I'm a bit (read ALOT) relieved that the swop closed before I actually got around to agreeing, too much work not enough time. Love the London Fabric, and see you incredibly soon xxx

  3. I missed the vote thing so didn't know about it - and it is a shame you feel discouraged. These things can be tough. Keep in mind that you have more votes than a half dozen others and that one person has no votes at all. I think you are doing great and I think your ornaments are gorgeous so believe in yourself a little more. You are amazingly creative.

  4. Love those little bags and the ornaments. I voted for you xx

  5. The little bags are great - brilliant fabric, just perfect for a London meet!

  6. Your pottery ornaments are quite brilliant. I have taken a pottery class and have some idea of how long you have worked on them. I'm not coming to the retreat but I know anyone of the attendees will be pleased to receive one!

  7. Awwww, hunny, I know how you feel - my confidence has been sadly lacking recently too! Chin up chuck, those gifts you're planning to give away look lovely, and even when you don't feel great about what you've done, there are always plenty of friends out there ready to give you a boost and tell you you and your creations are fab! And I voted for you too - must admit I'd missed it, so maybe another blog post trumpetting it from the rooftops is in order! Send me a linky, and I'll blog for you too.

  8. Your London bags are so nice and you have put a lot of thought into them. Your pottery must have taken ages to make. I would feel honored to be able to swap with you. Don't put yourself down. We are all on the learning curve. Best to enjoy what you do and stop comparing yourself with others. You are you and that is cool. Ok lecture over! Make sure that we meet up at the weekend as I would really like to meet you. Di x

  9. What they said! I think everyone loses confidence in their creations sometimes - heaven knows why we torture ourselves by making them public! But you can relax - your bags are fab and your ornaments and quilted worry stones are marvellous and unique. Anyone would be delighted to have them.

  10. Don't feel bad, be proud that you managed to enter something.
    The pottery ornaments look great. I wish I was going so I could get one!
    Wow you've got so much done! I'm impressed =D

  11. Wow you've been busy, just voted for you too! Love those London bags! x

  12. I need to get organized like this...a list would really help me actually get things crossed off my list!

  13. I love the fabric you're using for the London bags. I think the pottery is lovely. You can colour me impressed.

  14. The ornaments are super! And I totally love the bags.

  15. Your London bags are just so much fun! I love the fabric you chose for the lining, too.

    OK, about those pottery quilts. Three words: A-MA-ZING! Emphasis on the ZING! If you don't give them away, I will buy those three square ones on the top right. I LOVE them! They absolutely don't look like silly homemade crafts, and I know two other people who would like to have one (besides me). They are wonderful!

    Congrats on your bag finishes. Again, so, so cute! That London fabric is just too cool. Thank you for linking up!

    xo -E


Yay and thank you for leaving me a comment!! I may not be able to reply back to each one but please know that I am very happy that you stopped in and took the time to leave me a comment!