
Monday 9 April 2012

Wonky Monday

Easter Monday...

...and my fourth fabulous day off in a row.  So far my three days of sewing, baking and tidying have been very productive.  Not all will be revealed today though ;)  Today it is raining so instead of working on the garden (the sadly neglected garden and veg patch), I have decided to sew!  But, the pattern I am following has stumped me so I'm taking a break. 

My wonky world is growing!
Anyways, I managed to make another 'wonky tree' to go with the others.  I now have three trees and five houses.  My village is expanding.  Did you know that since I moved away from Canada almost 11 years ago, I have lived in seven different places?  This project will represent all the places I've lived in my life and I can count at least 15 places.  I can't, however, count the trees in my life as easily so I'll just make a whole bunch!!!  Anyways, here is the newest 'tree' along with my previous creations!

To continue with the wonky theme, I also made a couple more 'wonky stars'.  These are for the backs of my placemats - my 'one step closer to being done' placemats!  
Wonky stars for the backs of my WiP placemats.
I actually started the long weekend by tidying my wee space and wow what a great feeling.  I got all my WiP's in bags.  My WiP list/pile was re-assessed and a few things were moved over to the UFO (un-finished object) list/pile - I have to be realistic, right?!  I vacuumed too... and the darn thing worked!!  Phew - those silly elastics didn't break it after all!  Yay - Mr Crafty Shenanigans won't be mad at me...and my carpet is thread-free and clean!

I also did some blog-hopping and found some yummy inspiration which got me playing with my fabric stash and scrap pile (which I then had to organise!) and I ended up making a half square triangle 'thing'.  It isn't done yet but is taped up on the fake 'design' wall so I can figure out what to do with it next!  Big white borders and a skinny colour border maybe...

And that's all the crafty shenanigans I can share with you today!  I do recommend popping over to The Village Haberdashery's blog 'The Daily Stitch' to read the interview with Aneela Hoey.  What an amazing lady she is.  And her fabric...yum :)  

I'm linking up with Sew Happy Geek's Manic Monday and Quilt Story's Fabric Tuesday
See you [sew] soon!

Sew Happy Geek

Fresh Poppy Design

[UPDATE:  Sunday 29 April: I have FINALLY FINISHED the placemats!!!]

I'll be linking them up with  the April Finishes Linky:


  1. ahhh, the wonders of a four day weekend
    *is jealous*

  2. Wow you've been busy!! 7 different places gosh! =D

  3. I love those place mats! The colors are so bold and gorgeous! And the wonky stars on the back are just the right touch! Congratulations on another fun finish and thank you for linking up!

    xo -E

    P.S. Love your little houses and wonky trees!

  4. Love the half square triangle block and those pieced trees are adorable.


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