
Wednesday 11 April 2012

WiP Wednesday - 'sew' much to tell you!

Hi my name is Amy and I am a 'fabricholic'. 

Yup, I've been shopping again!  This time navy, white and grey - all from {the fabric frieze}. 
Can you say yum?  

Besides spending money, I've been busy hanging out with Mr Toyota!  Since last week's WiP report, I have succeeded in completing a few things.  Here is the newly amended list showing what was accomplished and/or started:

New projects started:
Pin Cushion for this coming Monday
HST 'thing' for Festival of HST's - partially done
Zakka Style Sew-Along - Sewing Kit - started
Zakka Style Sew-Along - Pin cushion - DONE
(I was procrastinating on another project so ended up making next week's project and getting prepped for the week after!!)

FQ retreat name badge swap - DONE
Zakka Style Sew-Along project - Zakka House Pouch - DONE

Collecting dust:
Placemats - backs worked on and nearly completed

Long term:
Wonky Houses and Trees - another tree - DONE
Wonky Stars - 2 more (for use on placemats) - DONE
Sew Into Solids project - Block 4 - DONE

As it was a four day weekend I was able to dedicate time to sew which is usually spent at work.  Oh how I wish I only worked part-time so I could play with yummy fabric and thread all day! 

Lots of stuff still on the WiP list but I thought I would focus on my accomplishments today rather than let myself get bogged down with what is still remaining!  I'm feeling more 'glass half-full' than 'glass half-empty' today! 

And that's that for today.  I'm linking up once again with Freshly Pieced WiP Wednesday.  Visit the link up for loads of inspiration :)


I'm also linking my finish up here:
April Finishes 


  1. Wow Amy how do you do it? The little house pouch is cute!

  2. Love the new fabrics! What a list! I'll be checking to see what you get done =D

  3. I love the blacks and whites...Great stuff Amy.

  4. Oh my Amy! You have been so productive over your Easter break. So you inspired me to do the house pouch...and I inspired you to do the tote...I can't wait to see how yours turns out.

  5. You have really accomplished a lot! Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to work so we could spend full time working at the sewing machine. That's a dream.

  6. Very sweet projects...I love them all!

  7. i love your zakka pincushion!

  8. You seem to have got loads done. I love your little pincushion!

  9. Such a cute little pincushion! I love the fabrics! Thanks for linking up and congrats on a great finish!

    xo -E


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