
Friday 6 April 2012

Finish it up Easter Friday

Yay for Friday!!  I got to sleep in today and 5 minutes after I woke up I was cutting and sewing fabric.  Not a bad way to start the day!  I'm busy working on a HST project - more about that another day!  [see sneak peak at the bottom of this post!!]

So, I finally finished the name badge for my secret partner for the Fat Quarterly Community retreat - yay!  I ignored the one I partially made a few weeks back and made a whole new one instead.  It is a bit wonky (but you know me - I love wonky!) so I hope it is ok for [insert secret name here!].  If the wonkiness bugs me too much I may do another version... I still have time!

I've covered the name up so I don't spoil the surprise.
For my secret partner - I hope he/she likes it!
I also finished another Sew Into Solids block.  This one was from Fresh Lemons called Ribbon Star.  It is my first all-triangle thing I've ever done.  I'm pleased with it but know where I need to improve next time!  My seams are pressed open again and I'm glad they are as there was a lot of fabric at each intersection, creating a lot of bulk.  Block 1 and Block 2 are done - just one more to make to get caught up! 

Sew Into Solids - Block 3 - Ribbon Star.  I used half square triangles!
I baked a chocolate cake today and made blue butter cream icing.  Why blue?  It is what I had in the cupboard from making homemade pay dough!  Without the icing, the cake is an amazingly moist egg-free and dairy-free chocolate cocoa cake.  I thankfully have no food allergies but lots of people do and this egg-free cake is always a hit.  No one knows there are no eggs in it until you tell them - it doesn't affect the taste in any way.  This is one of the first recipes my mom taught me how to make and I've been making it for years.  It is sooo super easy.  It creates very little mess (no electric mixer needed!) and doesn't take long to mix up.  Best served with a scoop of good quality vanilla ice cream, and without the icing!

Peg Bracken's 'Cockeyed Cake' decorated for Easter
with blue butter cream icing and chocolate eggs. 
 I'm linking up with crazy mom quilts Finish it up Friday and Amylouwho's Sew & Tell Fridays

Happy 'good' Friday everyone!
Check out Find a Friend Friday too over at sew many ways and our creative spaces player list.
Sew Many Ways

Sneak peak of my HST project:

Some Kaffe Fassett, Moda and Aneela Hoey fabrics, plus a few others... 


  1. What a productive day, gotta love some wonk! Enjoy the long weekend. x

  2. Wow! You got extra sleep and still accomplished a lot. The cake looks super yummy!

  3. such a great day! save me some cake ;-)

  4. Love the name badge and the Block. Would love the egg free recipe for the cake, my niece is allergic to eggs and I am always on the hunt for new recipes :)

    1. I will bring the recipe to the May LMQG meeting - will you be there? :)


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