Monday 9 December 2013

GIVEAWAY DAY - Giveaway #1 supplies

GIVEAWAY CLOSED ~ Sarah is the winner!

Welcome to Giveaway Day!!!

Giveaway Day

I have two giveaways for Giveaway Day!

You are currently on the SUPPLIES giveaway [Giveaway #1]
Click HERE for the HANDMADE ITEM giveaway [Giveaway #2]

Thank you for visiting me today!  Happy Monday to you too!  I want to have a fun giveaway and I hope you will enter!

One winner will receive: a Tula Pink 'Crown Jewels' quilt pattern, a pink seam ripper, a pink pocket mirror, a thumb/finger pincushion with three pink pins, a pack of elastic, a pack of pocket tissues, a notebook, pink hotlips sticky notes, three pink fabrics [pink mirror balls FQ, Sun Print Text in Hot Pink 22" x 5" approx, and Tanya Whelan 'Grand Revival' fabric from Free Spirit 22" x 44" approx] plus three tiny safety pin charms. Close up:

Want to enter?  Great!  I know it is a lot of pink but it is fun, right?  Here are the details:
  • Leave a comment on this post - any comment but if you are feeling funny, tell me a joke!
  • Open internationally - yay!
  • Second entry if you are a follower - woohoo!
  • Wordpress people -- please leave an email address as you are often 'no-reply' bloggers.
  • Draw will close on Friday December 13th and the winner will be emailed and announced soon after.
Good luck and enjoy blog hopping   !!

P.S.  Please feel free to enter my HANDMADE ITEM giveaway AND visit Sew Mama Sew for the list of all the other people participating today!


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Little Ella Lu said...

How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it. Sorry, I spend all my time with children.

Needled Mom said...

The pinks are so pretty. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

(not much with jokes)

Karrie said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

Q: What do you call a cow with no legs?

A: Ground Beef! bwhahah.

Yeah, corny, but I looked it up and liked that one the best :)

Karrie said...

I follow on BL-karrie smith,


HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

I followed you via Feedly :)

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

Not very good with jokes--I'm more of a bad pun thrown into the middle of a conversation kind of person :) Thanks for the giveaways!

Sarah said...

I am following through blog lovin

Sarah said...

If you want to see something funny ask me for one of my daily videos of my little guys he is such a card!

tarter95 said...

What is black and white and read all over? a newspaper...old one, but the only one I could come up with right now.

Mara said...

I love pink, but my daughter loves it even more.

Unknown said...

I just failed at making a cookie in a mug. Don't ask me how :)

Unknown said...

I follow you on Bloglovin

Margaret said...

Love all the pink, especially the mirror dots. Thanks!

Julia C said...

What did the cow say on Christmas morning?
Moooey Christmas!


Tanya said...

I'm sitting here with a sick three year old. I guess it's a sign of the season!

sofen said...

Wow, what a great gift you are giving! I really hope I win!
Greetings from Norway


CraftyHourMom said...

Joke? I'm pretty thick today - picked a good day to be sick on the couch. But jokes may be hard. Let's see...

Me: Wanna hear a bird joke?
You: Nah.
Me: ....well, this is hawkward...

meeshelle said...

Love all the pink :) Thanks for the chance to win!

CraftyHourMom said...

I follow on BlogLovin.

Unknown said...

What did 2 say to 1?
Hahahaha I am an even number.

this is a joke that my autistic daughter tells me, she hates odd numbers.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

not a joke, but reading all these comments saying "I am follower" made me laugh, the cult of following quilting, like something out of monty python!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

ps i follow now on email

Vicki H said...

No joke, but it finally got above freezing today and the sun came out. Who doesn't love pink.

Born4Travel said...

My favorite Christmas song is "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" And that isn't a joke! But funny all the same. Thanks for the chance to win!

principeta said...

Lovely giveaway,so generous of you.Thank you for the chance to win it.

Dear Cupcakes,

The fact that you cover yourselves up with icing

says a lot about your self-esteem.



Jayne said...

I wish I was funny! My jokes never work!

Drae said...

Knock knock, who's there? Who? Who, who? What are you an owl?

Laura said...

What do you say to three whales?

Whale whale whale... what do we have here?

Laura said...

I'm a follower!

Fran said...

That is a seriously lovely bundle of pink sewing goodness. I'm quite crap at remembering jokes & even worse at telling them, so I'll spare you there (you're welcome!). Thanks for the chance to win.

Fran said...

I'm a follower via Bloglovin, thanks again!

greeblygreebly said...

Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent. (I'm a sucker for a good pun. Or a bad pun really.)

Dawn said...

Ugh, of course now that I'm trying I can't remember a joke :-(. Thanks for the chance though!!

Kathy said...

Okay, not really a joke - but here are the names of Santa's reindeer, in Latin: Provolans, Saltator, Exsultans, Vulpes, Cometes, Cupidus, Tonitrus, Fulgens, Rudolphus Naso Rubro. Thank you for the chance to win your lovely giveaway!

Stephanie said...

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

7 ate 9!

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

It might be a lot of pink, but with my pink-obssessed daughter, I'm pretty sure it would be quite at home here at my place! ;)

And I've got no jokes to share. I'm joke-challenged. I suck at them. ;)

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Of course I'm a follower! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Sue said...

OK, here is a pink joke!

A lady walking down the street one day saw a man walking towards her. The man was talking to himself, waving his arms around his head and jumping up and down three times. He repeated this several times. The lady asked the man what he was doing? The man replied I am keeping the pink elephants away.
The lady replied, "Why? There are no pink elephants around here."
The man replied, "I know, works great doesn't it?"

Does that work for you? :-)

Sue said...

I follow you on Bloglovin'

Unknown said...

Oh, I can never never remember jokes! I never tell them, and never can remember the ones that are told to me. Isn't that awful. Knock knock... who's there..... uhhhhhhhhhh. That's all I've got. :) :)
Thanks for the chance !!

Jo said...

So this is quite bad, but it's as good as it gets I'm afraid!
Q. Why are Christmas trees such bad knitters?
A. They are always dropping their needles.

Jo said...

I am a follower on bloglovin.

Anonymous said...

how do you make a tissue dance? put a little boogie in it!

Heather said...

Knock knock
Who's there?
A Parrot...
A Parrot Who?
A Parrot Who?
Thanks for the super fun giveaway!

atabanana29 said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway!I love all of the pink!

atabanana29 said...

I follow you on Bloglovin!

DogLover22 said...

Beautiful pink fabrics! :)

Annie said...

Two peanuts were walking down the street. One was a salted/assaulted.

Amanda said...

Gosh, I don't think I know any jokes... Ok this one was on a laffy taffy wrapper once. I thought it was funny but no one else ever does:
Q: What do a tree and a dog have in common?
A: They both drink water!
Annnnd, I'm done. :)

Fun giveaway, though!

java diva said...


java diva said...

This is the first joke I remember as a kid, "What's black and white and red all over? A newspaper"

Jodi said...

I have had to stop telling sewing jokes, I was running out of good material ;)

Nikita said...

Oi.. I am horrible at I will jsut say.. thank you for a great giveaway! Love the pink : )

Nikita said...

I follow via gfc/blogger

Nita said...

what do you call an Irish lawn chair?

Paddy O'Furniture!

Kellie Staton said...

I don't know any jokes. I wish I did, LOL. Anyway, great giveaway. Thanks!

Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts said...

Oooh, pretty prize! Thank you! I'll share my daughter's favourite joke...

Knock knock
Who's there?
Isabelle who?
Isabelle necessary on a bicycle?

Guess what her name is...

Christie said...

What a pretty giveaway, love it! Thank you.

Sangeetha said...

Happy Holidays Amy

melrosecakes said...

Love the pink, the jokes on my husband if I win and use this as inspiration for a new quilt.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!

Quilting in the Deep South said...

A joke?? how about this one: What do sheep do on a sunny day? Have a Baa baa Que! Loving all the pink in your giveaway

Anonymous said...

Since I got my adorable daughter (17 years ago)I realize that I adoooore pink!! (as all daughters from 2 to 10 y/o my daughter adored pink, now she don't like it anymore but me, I loooooove it!
Thank you for letting international participants !

Quilting in the Deep South said...

follower via bloglovin

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays! Filled with Peace, Love and Happiness!

Elsa said...

I don't know any joke (at English!)...!

ELNM said...

Only joke I can think of is a kid joke - "When do you go on red and stop on green?" When you are eating watermelon! Thanks for two great giveaways!

DeborahGun said...

Ooo - I love pink and desperately need a new seam ripper. Thanks for a perfect giveaway :-)

DeborahGun said...

I am a happy follower :-)

DeborahGun said...

I am a happy follower :-)

Sew Create It - Jane said...

oooh what pretty things!! please count me in!!

Unknown said...

Love all the pink! Beautiful!

Allison said...

Jokes, darn I don't have one ready. But thank you for offering a wonderful giveaway!

Jo said...

What a fun grouping of prizes, thank you for the chance to enter.

Robin said...

What a cool bundle!! I am feeling freezing cold this morning!! It was 15 out when I woke up! =(

Robin said...

I follow via Bloglovin!!

Jenny said...

thanks for a chance!! why did the football coach go to the bank? to get his quarterback...groan...i know, but its my sons favorite joke!

Brooke said...

Pink is my favorite color! No jokes, I am lame at jokes, so I will spare you that!

quilt455 said...

Wonderful giveaway. Thank you

dawn - Mi rincón de mariposas said...

Thanks so much! have a nice week.

wobblybobbin said...

I love love love all the sparkely pink!

Nicole said...

I love the pink!

Anita said...

I can never think of a good joke on the spot but I do love pink so here's my old standby that I heard on America's Funniest Home Videos when I was about 13. "What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?" answer: "Where's my tractor?" It was said by a little kid with a bit of a drawl and I just killed myself laughing.

Anita said...

I am a new follower on Bloglovin.

Anonymous said...

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Alex Who?
Alex Plainlater, just let me in!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Alex Who?
Alex Plainlater, just let me in!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Kathy Davis said...

No jokes here but I will tell you about my first quilt. When I was 10 in 1962, I decided to make a quilt. I asked all the neighbor ladies for scrap fabric and with the help of my mom I hand pieced enough 9 patch blocks to make a quilt. My dad built a quilt frame and the whole family got involved. My dad and both older brother helped my mom and me do the quilting. Lots of pricked fingers but we got it done and I still have it today. It is a well loved memory of my first sewing project. Thanks, Kathy

Kathy Davis said...

I follow on bloglovin'.
Kathy Davis

Unknown said...

All I can think of is Finding Nemo jokes. Sorry. Loving all the pink. hayleymstephens at gmail dot com

amy and the bad cats said...

i can never remember jokes of any kind! sorry! but thanks for having such a great giveaway!

amy and the bad cats said...

i'm a new follower via blog lovin!

Jessica said...

I am terrible at telling jokes. Ask my husband. I some how have the ability to make a hilarious joke just plain not funny. Oh well. I'm better at quilting and enjoy it more.

Brenda said...

Love the giveaway pkg!

Diana @ Red Delicious Life said...

I don't know many jokes but here's the one my nephew told me (it was a 9 year old's version of a dirty joke): Why is Peter Pan green? If someone hit your peter with a pan, you'd be green too!

Brenda said...

I'm a follower by emails

Unknown said...

Hello from Massachusetts! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

Unknown said...

New follower via Bloglovin. thanks!

Rocksteadyemme said...

why did the chicken cross the road?

Rocksteadyemme said...

new follower!

Unknown said...

This giveaway pinked me right up! I'm looking at the world thru rose colored glasses.

Unknown said...

I am a follower with bloglovin!

hemiola said...

Thanks for your giveaway. (Sorry I can't think of any appropriate jokes right now ;). )

All Things Beautiful said...

I just love those colors!

LittleHouseontheDairy said...

What did one snow man say to the other snowman? "Do you smell carrots?" It is a favorite of my 3 year old!

LittleHouseontheDairy said...

I am a follower on feedly

KD-Quilts said...

LOVE this wonderful prize full of pink! Thanks for the chance to win!

Crystal Hendrix said...

Im a follower :D

Crystal Hendrix said...

Im a follower :D

Crystal Hendrix said...

Im not feeling funny but tired...I have a 3 week old and I have spit up all over me :D

m hoch drei said...

Sorry, I have no jokes in english ...
But I whish you a merry chrismas !

Anonymous said...

Loving the pink!

Anonymous said...

follower through Bloglovin'

Pink Scissors Design said...

What do you get when you cross a sheep with a kangaroo?

A woolly jumper.

In Australia, sweaters are called jumpers.

pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
Pink Scissors Design on Etsy

Steph Blair said...

No jokes, but a cheerful thought - nearly at the shortest day means spring will be on it's way before we know it. i may be deluded, but believing it cheers me up!

Steph Blair said...

follow on bloglovin :D

Carry Hers By Natalie said...

Well the only jokes I remember are not suitable for this blog. lol

Gidget said...

my daughters joke:
what did the political worm say to the fish

I 'de-bait'

Two Wednesdays said...

What do you call a gorilla with bananas in his ears?

Anything you like - he can't hear you!

Thanks for a great giveaway :-)

Two Wednesdays said...

I follow you via GFC.

kbzelazny said...

I can never remember jokes, but I do love pink! It's my favorite color!

pippirose said...

I won't tell you a joke (I'm one of those people that forget what the punch line is!), so I'll spare you!!

pippirose said...

I follow via GFC.

Material Girl said...

Sorry but I never get the jokes right. These pinks are so adorable. Thanks!

Allison Sews said...

So pretty! I just made a whole pink and grey quilt.

Anonymous said...

Two robins were sitting in a tree.

"I'm really hungry," said the first one. "Let's fly down and find some lunch."

They flew down to the ground and found a nice plot of newly plowed ground that was full of worms. They ate and ate and ate until they could eat no more.

"I'm so full, I don't think I can fly back up into the tree," said the first one.

"Let's just lay back here and bask in the warm sun," said the second.

"Okay," said the first.

So they plopped down, basking in the sun. No sooner had they fallen asleep, when a big fat tomcat came around and gobbled them up.

As the cat sat washing his face after his meal, he thought...

"I just LOVE Baskin Robins."

Thanks for the giveaway. I enjoyed the other jokes and riddles in these comments.

Chirpy said...

My daughter asked me when she was going to miss her boyfriend less than 24/7. I said pretty soon it would be 15/7! She just looked at me like "what"??? She didn't understand 24/7 in the first place so 15/7 was over her head! Hope that came out as funny as it was to us. If not, Merry Christmas!

Rose said...

I love your sweet pink giveaway bundle and would hate to spoil it with a lousy joke. I'm not a particularly funny person.

Rose said...

I follow you on Bloglovin.

Unknown said...

I'm a Canadian and would love to win! (

Reb Thack said...

Why are chili peppers so annoying?
They get jalapeño business!

Reb Thack said...

I follow via GFC

Barbe said...

i see you are going to be doing Sew Kitschy, me too. i'm in Canada so it will be really international. lol

Barbe said...

i'm a new follower on bloglovin

Donna said...

What a pretty bunch of goodies you are generously giving away!


Ol'e follower


I cant remember jokes and my family makes fun of me because I cant remember words to songs or who sung what.. I have my own nursery rhythms no I have an IQ just a short term memory

Jill R. said...

I can't think of any good jokes to share, but thank you for the giveaway!

Kristin said...

Such a cute giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful fabric! (Hmm, can't turn that into a punch line....)
Intrepidtwins at gmail

Unknown said...

I follow you on bloglovin!

Lori said...

my husbands favorite joke--put your wife and your dog in the trunk of your car. drive 30 miles. open the trunk and see which one is glad to see you. Yes, he'd be a dead man!!

EG said...

I'm terrible at remembering jokes, so I'll just tell you that it's COLD in my house!

tpott said...

Hi, I'm a new follower via Bloglovin.

tpott said...

I LOVE pink it's my very favorite color! Yay!

Barbara Bradford said...

The only jokes people send me any more are political Obamacare... What ever happened to riddles?

Heather62 said...

Why did the cow cross the road? To join his friend the chicken!

Joy Meetis said...

Thank you for the chance to win!

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

My mom is the one who calls me from Brazil and tells me these super funny jokes, which don't translate well into English. Dang it. So I am fresh out of jokes, but will read the previous comments for some much needed laughs!

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

And laugh I did! You had the best idea so far, to ask for jokes!

Lora said...

I can't ever remember jokes. Sorry. Thanks for the giveaway.

Linda V said...

A joke? The first one that comes to mind is a joke my dad told me almost daily in the last 5 years of his life. He was suffering dementia and would forget he told us the 'joke' already hundreds of times: "Why can't a duck climb a tree? Because he has no 'IN-between' his toes." The funny part is NO one ever got that joke, but we all would laugh each time, especially my dad.

Megan said...

That is a lot of pink! Fun giveaway though, thanks for the chance!

giddy99 said...

I love pink! No good with jokes, though... :(

giddy99 said...

I follow via BlogLovin

Bossymamma said...

Why did the duck cross the road? Because it was the chicken's day off! Groan. Sorry. :)

Bossymamma said...

I'm following via Bloglovin'

Tanya said...

Thanks for chance to win. Too cold for my brain to work to come up with joke.

Susan said...

Like most everyone else, I can't tell jokes - can never remember them.

Susan said...

I'm a follower via GFC

elflyn said...

What a sweetly pink giveaway!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

What colors do you paint the wind and the sun?

You paint the wind blue and the sun rose. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Sarah said...

I follow via Feedly

Sarah said...

I'm terrible at remembering jokes but here is once my 6 year old son told me last night (so don't expect high standards!):

What do you call an eskimo's house with no toilet? An Ig

Linda said...

Happy Holidays! Lovely pink giveaway.

Joanne said...

I would leave you a sewing joke, but I'm running out of good material!!

Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway!

Joanne said...

And I'm a very happy follower!

Lynne said...

Fun fabrics! Thanks for the great giveaway!

kellythom747 said...

Howdy- I think a joke is in order- nah- it's way too early and I am only on my first cup of coffee so cheers anyway! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance!

Gigi said...

How about a funny story: my husband is Jewish so my kids have not been too familiar with Christmas songs. But in the car, I sometimes listen to the Christmas radio station: my 4yo DD says after awhile "mom, guess what? there's this boy who saw his mommy kissing santa claus! That's so funny, right?"

Haha, guess I need to expose them more to Christmas! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

No joke today, but I did want to say Happy Holidays from Southern California. Thank you for the wonderful give-a-way!

Rhonda D. said...

What did the big casket say to the little casket? Is that you coffin?

wigglypup2 at yahoo dot com

Rhonda D. said...

Of course I am a follower!!

wigglypup2 at yahoo dot com

Margaret said...

I love your giveaway Not a good person with jokes

Margaret said...

I am a follower

Anonymous said...

I don't have any jokes today... I'm sitting on the kitchen floor with my laptop debating standing up and washing the mountain of dishes I just created. (I made mini-cheesecakes and I don't know if they're actually cooked because I haven't made cheesecake in 15+ years and the recipe said to try the jiggle test, but my cheesecakes didn't jiggle at all when I tried it. But they're mini, so maybe there's not so much jiggle room? I don't know!) Bah. Dishes.


charlotte l said...

Thanks for the chance to win this little bundle.

Kate said...

What did zero say to theta?
Nice belt!

AlidaP said...

Thanks for the giveaway... and sorry I am bad at jokes ;)

AlidaP said...

I am a new follower GFC. Thanks again!

Lia*s Handmades said...

I suck at jokes, but did you know that there are little people, called calories, that crawl into your wadrobe and sew your clothes tighter over night while you're sleeping? ;)

Thanks for the chance to win!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Oh I don't know any jokes, and the kids are asleep, so I can't even ask them for one, sorry xxx

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Proper following now - man, I'm slow!

Lisa Cox said...

I'm not big on jokes, but I guess I could give it a go.
A man and his wife are laying in bed.
The man passes gas and calls out "Touchdown!"
The wife looks at him and asks, "What are you yelling about?"
He says, "It's fart football. And I'm ahead 7 to 0."
The wife thinks about this and then she passes gas. "Touchdown!" she calls. "7 to 7" Then she leans over and passes gas again. "Hah! I'm ahead 14 to 7" Then she lets out a little squeaker.
Her husband looks at her oddly, and she calls out "Two point conversion. I'm winning 16 to 7."
The man thinks to himself that he can't let his wife beat him, so he grunts and pushes. Suddenly, he lets out a loud noise and poops in the bed.
His wife looks at him and says "What was that?"
He answers, "Half time. Switch sides!"

I know kinda juvenile, but it makes everyone laugh when I tell it.

Betsy said...

l already follow with bloglovin

Betsy said...

I am so sorry but I do not know any jokes

jeifner said...

I love mirror ball dots! I think everything should have them.
What Do You Get When You Cross A Chicken And A Pit Bull?

-Just The Pit Bull

jeifner said...

I'm a GFC follower

sandyandcosmo said...

I'm really bad at jokes but thanks for the giveaway!

RoseyToesRose said...

Here's a joke from my 6 year old niece:
Q: Why are Pirates called Pirates?
A: Because they Arrrrrrre!

RoseyToesRose said...

I'm a new follow, following with Bloglovin.
Loving the pink btw! :-)

CraftyPa&CraftyMa said...

love the bundle you have on offer, and i am sure it would be used to make some Aussie girl very happy

CraftyPa&CraftyMa said...

love the bundle you have on offer, and i am sure it would be used to make some Aussie girl very happy

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm no good with jokes. But I do tell hilarious stories, they just wouldn't be hilarious if I typed them out in comment form. :)

camelama said...

Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent. :)

Jessie said...

I'm afraid I'm not too funny - but the fabrics are lovely!


nicolesender said...

I love the color pink! My grand kids enjoy the book Pinkalicious.

nicolesender said...

Bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender

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