Saturday 25 August 2012

Blog Hop Giveaway!

If you are looking for TGIFF - press here - you have until late Sunday night to link up!

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

Welcome to my blog-hop giveaway -- I am so pleased that you have stopped in!  When Michele at the Quilting Gallery opened up the registrations for this blog-hop I knew that I wanted to participate and celebrate the event of reaching the first milestone of 100+ followers of my blog with a giveaway! 

How shall we celebrate 100+ lovely followers of my crazy little craft and quilting blog?  With this crazy little selection of 5 Fat Quarters and a pack of 5 Aurifil threads - that's how!

The nitty gritty details:
  • For one entry - please tell me where you blog at or what your favourite blog to read is -- I'm always looking for more inspiration!
  • For a second entry - become a follower and let me know (if you are already a follower, please say so)  
  • This giveaway is open to everyone near or far!
  • Random Number Generator (or similar) will pick a winner on Monday 3rd September at 7am GMT and will be announced Monday evening.  Please be sure that I can contact you!  I will re-draw if I don't hear from the winner after a few days.
The blog-hop list will be available on the link "Blog Hop with Give-Aways" from Sunday night/Monday morning so be sure to visit all the participants, check out their blogs and enter their give-aways.  Thank you for organising it all Michele!  Good luck with the giveaway!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 440   Newer›   Newest»
Amy said...

My favorite is my sister's quilt blog (but, of course, I'm biased!) Thanks for the giveaway!

Lynda said...

Wow! What a great giveaway. I'm at

happyacres at wowway dot come

Susan said...

I myself don't blog, but one of my favorites, is "Why Knot".

Haley said...

I follow too many blogs to pick a favorite. But, I blog over at The Book Pantry. And working on getting a quilting blog up and running.

marci sinfisi said...

thanks for the giveaway!
there are so many great blogs out there.... red pepper quilts is one of my favs..

Cal said...

You are welcome to visit mine, but I am afraid there will not be too much inspiration there!

barbara woods said...

i blog at wont-to-bequilter and i love bonnie hunter

barbara woods said...

i am a old follower

Lori said...

I follow a number of blogs. But my two top favorites are "Samelias Mom" and "Sew Well Maide"

sherylb said...

Hi! I blog at

One of my favorites is SewCalGal.

Beth said...

I really enjoy Heather Jones's blog, Olive and Ollie.

Sarah Lou said...

Thanks Amy for a great giveaway! I'm at :)

sew.darn.quilt said...

I have lots of favs in blogland but I'm terrible with names. I become a face in your crowd GFC ;o)
Thank you for the chance

barbara woods said...

i am a long time follower

barbara woods said...

i b log at wont-to-bequilter thanks

Tiffany said...

I blog at :

Thanks for the chance!!!

moira said...

I follow you, amy

BizyStitches said...

I don't blog, but would like to get my nerve up to someday. I visit several blogs but there is one that I am sure to visit every day it is Jo's Country Junction. Thanks for the lovely give away.

BizyStitches said...

I am now a happy follower, thanks

Angela Smith said...

I have a new blog Not too much there yet, but I am learning. Thanks for a chance at your is great.

Jenelle said...

Thanks for the chance! I blog over at Echinops & Aster:
I read lot of fantastic blog everyday too! It's a great community to be a part of. :)

Jenelle said...

I follow you via GFC. :)

Margaret said...

I don't have a blog but I love to read them. I guess one of my favorites is Cat Patches and On the Go Quilting. They are both interesting and have lots of inspiration.

Margaret said...

I am a new follower. Looking forward to reading your posts by e-mail.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

My blog is love so many blogs...thank you

Jessica said...

I blog at and am also doing the blog hop :)

Jessica said...

New follower! Love those fabrics!

Anonymous said...

I blog at I love to visit all kinds of blogs, I currently subscribe to yours and about 15 others via email. It can be overwhelming but being such a new quilter I need to get all the inspiration and information I can! I love your blog and love to see that I am not the only one who loves fabric and being creative!

Tricia said...

Wow Amy ... It looks like I'm your 185th follower!!!! Great Job surpassing the 100th count. Thank You for the chance to win your delightful Enlish FQ's and Thread.


Tricia said...

My little blog from a little village in Michigan in the US and can be found here:

I would love to have ya stop by and say Hiya even though I have only been blogging for under 6 months.


QuiltnMama said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thank you for an opportunity to win it. I blog at

Allison C said...

I love Rita's Red Pepper Quilts and Elizabeth's Oh Fransson

Betty said...

It's hard to pick a favorite blog, there are so many wonderful ones! I do read Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville's Quips & Snips daily. I also like Cupcakes 'n Daisies and Sister's Choice.

Jacklynn Grimm said...

I don't have a blog, but I do have a list of 20 or so that I visit a few times a week. I get wonderful ideas from them, great tutorials and inspiration. Two of my favorites are Fresh Lemon Quilts and During Quiet Time.

Amorette said...

i blog at and i am sometimes even interesting!

Francine said...

Hiya, I blog at, thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Francine said...

I'm a new follower!

Unknown said...

I blog at when I'm not being lazy
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

GFC follower
shel704 at aol dot com

Debbie said...

My blog is I don't have a favorite one...enjoy them all

Debbie said...

A new follower

quiltmom anna said...

I do have a blog- you can find it at
I do enjoy reading other people's blogs- I get so many great ideas and am inspired by the things that others create. Thanks for the chance to win such nice fabrics.
Enjoy the blog hop.
Regards from Western Canada,

cpup40 said...

I don't blog, but I love to read Bonnie Hunter's blog at

Sherry said...

I blog at and I love to visit other blogs for inspiration. Congratulations on 100+ followers.

Sherry said...

I am a new follower and I enjoyed visiting some of your older posts. Great projects!

cpup40 said...

I am a follower.

Myself said...

I love so many blogs :)- Made by Rea is one of my favorties :)

Myself said...

I'm your new follower (by e-mail)- thanks!

Cassandra said...

Cool fabric! Thanks for hosting the giveway. :)

I blog at One of my favorite blogs is Her posts always make me hungry!

Maxine said...

I don't blog much, but when I do it's at

Karrie said...

Nice giveaway! I blog at:

Karrie said...

New follower. I look forward to reading ;)

Anonymous said...

I blog at

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower :)

Jeneta said...

I love 'Nap Time Crafters' - another very talented Amy!

JLVerde said... is where I blog.

As for blogs I read, I have so many but my two favorites are "Doll" and "My Paper Crane".

Average Quilter said...

My blog is Average Quilter ( And it is just like the name - just average

Joanne Lendaro said...

I'm a two location blogger. My first blog is just a little bit about me and the wonderful quilts I get to work on, the second is just filled with loads and loads of pictures of quilts and the quilting. Here's links:

thanks for the fun!!!

Emily C said...

I always read

Fleurette said...

Thank you for a fabulous giveaway.
I have two miniature dachshunds, love them.

KurtzCrafts said...

Hello! Your giveaway is wonderful! I blog in two places; crafty blog is and Christian blog at

Fleurette said...

I am a new follower. Congratulations on 100+ followers.

Shirley said...

What a lovely giveaway. I like to read

knottygnome said...

thanks for the giveaway! i blog at

hafza said...

I blog at http// and my favorite blogs to read are those on quilting and crocheting. Thanks for the great giveaway!!

mtnquiltr said...

I blog at
Hope you'll come and visit!

Deb said...

Great giveaway! I have sooooo many favorite blogs! I blog at don't blog often, but I'm hoping that will change when the boys go back to school next week.

Lyn said...

I don't have a blog. I love to visit Connie at freemotion by the river. Thanks for the chance to win. Very nice.

Marit Johanne said...

Very nice give away! Thanks for the chance to win :) My blog is

Tiffany said...

Hi! I blog at

Jenny said...

What fun fat quarters!
I blog (sometimes) at
Thanks for a chance

Judy1522 said...

I don't have a blog but I follow several and love to read them. One of my favorite is the Noble wife and another is Susan Branch's blog.

EgayZra said...

Hi, I am reading so many quilting blogs right now, I don't have a favorite .... every one is amazing :)

Jane's Quilting said...

I have a blog at: Come and see and enter my giveaway also.

Jane's Quilting said...

I am new to your site, but am now a faithful follower. Thanks for the giveaway, hope I win.

Bonnie58 said...

My current favourite blog is the Needle and thread network. Thanks for the opprtunity on the giveaway and good luck to all the participants.

Nanbon44 said...

I am now a follower

Nanbon44 said...

favorite blogs, Bunny Hill and sewcalgal for all their tips and inspiration...

Bonnie58 said...

I am a happy new follower. Thanks for the opprtunity on the giveaway and good luck to all the participants.

Beulah said...

I do not blog.....I just enjoy reading blogs of all the many creative quilters! One of the blogs I read is Quiltville / Bonnie Hunter's blog.

sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

apple blossom said...


blog @

legato1958 said...

I blog at My favorite blogs are AmyMadeThat! and The Patchsmith !

thanks for this giveaway chance!


Sheila said...

Great giveaway , I blog at Thanks for the chance to win .

Sheila said...

I am now following by email , your blog looks very interesting and I look forward to reading more.

Jeanne said...

My favorite blog is Karen at Sewmanyways blog & Ree at Pioneer Women blog.

Courtneysews said...

I am a new follower!

Courtneysews said...

I do not have a blog but love reading all the other blogs! I don't have a favorite I love them all!

Jamie B said...

Woo! I love that crown fabric! I blog at, and I read WAY too many blogs to ever pick a favorite! :)

Jamie B said...

I am following you!

Kathy H said...

I don't have a blog but my favorite is stash manicure.

mammafairy said...

I am a follower!

mammafairy said...

I blog at

But I think you already knew that!

rockgranny said...

I blog here ( ) but wasn0t very busy lately. My favorite blog is "Quiltville" from Bonnie Hunter

Jen said...

I blog at I haven't been able to update lately thanks to being on bed rest for pregnancy, but i can't wait to get back to it.

Anonymous said...

My blog is and it´s in this bloghop!
Hope to see you there :))
Gun, Sweden

Kay said...

I don't have a blog but do love to read them, some of my favourites are Very Kerry Berry, Very Very Handmade, Leslie's Art and Sew. Thank you for the giveaway.

MBMathis said...

I blog over at Munchkin Quilts:
My favorite quilting blog is Six White Horses:

Unknown said...

I'm new at following the quilting blogs. I had no idea they were out there. In just getting started so I haven't read to many yet, let alone follow. So i don't have a favorite yet

llmgabbard60 at Gmail dot com

Unknown said...

New follower via GFC Linda Meyers Gabbard
llmgabbard60 at Gmail dot com

Liz, Quilt Adventurer said...

i blog at ...but not very frequently! i love Amy Ellis' blog, and Jeni's blog - In Color Order. and many more. Lisa Call's blog ( thanks for the great giveaway!!

Karen said...

I'm now a follower. Looking forward to your posts.

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

I blog from
I have several blogs that I follow and read on a daily basis, it's hard to pick one, they are all wonderful!

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

I'm a happy follower :)

Deb said...

My favorite blog is Wild Olive. I love her simple stitching patterns.

Deb said...

I just became a follower.

SewLisa :o) said...

Really, I enjoy blogs with pictures, the most.

SewLisa :o) said...

I follow your blog via email.

Brenda said...

I don't have a blog but I like Socalgal.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

My blog is

I read or skim through about 800 blogs....way too many. I have about 20 favorites.

Mhairi said...

I don't blog but I follow WAY too many blogs. My favourites are Jolly Jabber and ModaBakeShop. I also love The Intrepid Thread and Ikat Bag.
My two favourite Australian blogs are TheJanelleWindCollection and CinderberryStitches.

joyce said...

I like Sewmamasew.

Christine M said...

I blog at I have a lot of blogs that I love to read. Thanks for being part of the blog hop and for this lovely giveaway.

Mary said...

Amazing giveaway! I like to visit ModaBakeshop to get connected to others. My favorite personal blog is because she is a funny lady.

Tansy Dolls said...

I blog at and I love to read MADE.

Tansy Dolls said...

Now following via GFC (my personal name is Robin Baker)

Celtic Thistle said...

I blog at and have lots of favourite bloggers that I follow. If you are looking for inspiration though would recommend Pam at Threading my Way, she has so many inspiring linky parties going on you will be lost for hours!

Celtic Thistle said...

I am a follower too.

Lindsay said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

I blog at, but I am considering a name change soon. :)

Lee said...

I am a blog reader and this is one of my favorite blogs - I hope you enjoy reading this blog also -

Melinda said...

I blog at I have been a tiny bit slack lately but I am singing in Seussical at the local theater so things will pick up in a week after it's over!

Lee said...

I am a new follower now and added you to my RSS feed. Congrats on all your followers!

Laura said...

I blog at Some favorite blogs I read are Made by Rae, Dana Made It, Red Pepper Quilts, In Color Order, Crafterhours....and too many more to count ;)

Laura said...

I follow you on Google Reader

Ada Mangoes said...

I really love Jude Hill's Spirit Cloth blog:
Ada -

Ada Mangoes said...

I follow via GFC

Mrs.Pickles said...

I love to blog at :) thank you for the chance to win.

conny's quilts en creaties said...

Wow thats a lot of comments allready, but this sure is an awesome giveaway. I am blogging abut my quiltprojects. In my faorite list at the sitebar you can see what I love te read. Thanks for this nice give away of yours!

Jeanne Gwin said...

I am a new follower Amy.

Jeanne Gwin said...

My blog is The Learning Curve~Quilts and Such (soon will be changed and you will be notified if you choose to join me). I have been a little lax lately and have just been through a huge family crisis, but all is well now, albeit very tiring and stressful. Oh a lot of money spent. Thanks for a very nice giveaway and chance to win.

Shannon said...

what a sweet giveaway! My favorite blog is

Shannon said...

Also, I follow you in my google reader.

Irina said...

Hi, I blog at

Patricia said...

I am a new blogger just been active for a few months but you will find me at: I hope you'll visit. I'm on the hop too!

Hilachas said...

My blog:
Nice giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Hilachas said...

I'm a new follower. Nice giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Cherise said...

I'm already a follower! :)

Cherise said...

I blog over at :)


I'm a follower! :)


I love Maureen Cracknell and my blog is

Peggy said...

I have a personal blog called Keep Me in Stitches

I also belong to a wonderful group of ladies who make lap quilts, tote/walker/wheelchair bags and other items for the elderly and lap quilts/totes for children.


Peggy said...

I'm a new follower.

Krystal said...

I read blogs such as Stitched in Color, In Color Order, Cut to Pieces and so on!

Krystal said...

I am a new follower too! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

Deanna said...

Can't pick a favorite, love so many.....lindas quilt mania is great
Love your give away

Rhonda D. said...

I attempt to blog at:
Thanks for the chance to win!

Rhonda D. said...

I have been a follower for quite a while.

Jo said...

I am a new follower :)

Jo said...

I like to read Oh Franson! and Fresh Lemons! :)

Janet said...

Oh nice giveaway! Come see me at

Shevvy said...

You know I follow you.

Shevvy said...

Have you checked out Quiltville?

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog but I just love feasting my eyes and fill my heart with any craft blogs near and far.....I enjoy crocheting and embroidery but have learnt a variety of other crafts through the wonderful blogs. Thanks for the giveway.


Anonymous said...

I am really new to blogging - but I love the people I meet through this medium. I blog at I have too many favorites to mention here...but I really get inspired by everyone out there. Thanks for great giveaway!

I'm also a new follower! :)

Unknown said...

Oh, how I love giveaways! :) I blog at (occasionally -- I'm trying to get better about frequency!), and lately, I've been loving Pile O' Fabric because of Alyssa's great tutorials for new quilters!!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower.

Unknown said...

I don't blog. I have found so many blogs that I now follow that I can't really declare a favorite. I learn something from each one.

Marj in Mexico

Kathy said...

I really like Posie Gets Cozy... lots of inspiration and beautiful photography. winterwrens at gmail dot com

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Amy! Thank you for a lovely give away! My blog is 'Nero's Post and Patch'

kbzelazny said...

I enjoy In Color Order, and I'm a Ginger Monkey. Thanks!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Oh count me in...Those threads...that fabric...It all looks so yummy!!
A favourite blog of mine is quite like the quilts she makes.

BaggyQueen said...

I am a new follower. Really enjoy reading your blog. Hope I am lucky

Deb said...

I love a lot of quilting blogs and also gardening blogs. I blog over at Mountain Musings. It's a family blog with quilting, gardening, soap making, and a variety of topics.

Unknown said...

I have a quilt blog at! I another blog set-up for donating quilts to those who have lost their homes to the wildfires this year! So far 910 homes have been destroyed! We are giving one quilt to each family who has lost a home in the Western United States! That's a lot of quilts, but with all of the generous quilters out there we are going to be able to do it! That blog is at Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway! :)

Damla said...

My blog:
* All giveaways are open worldwide!

annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kathy Davis said...

Diary of a Quilter - good tutorials
Kathy Davis

Kathy Davis said...

GFC follower as Mrs. Kathy Davis
Kathy Davis

Lisa said...

I blog at A Life Full of Laughter ( and I'd love for you to stop by!

Lisa said...

I just became a follower too! :)

Sandra said...

I am a true follower of yours and look forward to visiting often but I also blog at Patchwork Times and Lyn Brown blogs. They are both very talented designers with a lot of ideas and patterns to share. Thank you so much for your generous giveway and to take time out to participate in the Blog Hop.

Sandi T.

Sasha said...

I love RPQ like most people. For something a little different to all quilting try

Sasha said...

I'm a follower!

PJ said...

My blog is I took some time off for the summer while we were traveling but I'm home now and need to get back to.

PJ said...

I'm a new follower.

Dresden Quilter said...

I blog at Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I blog at It is a blog of my many meanderings- gardening,home decor, sewing, crafting, cooking etc.

What a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I became your newest follower@!

Cheryl said...

I don't have a blog but my favorite one is "crazy mom quilts" at She's from my state of Wisconsin and love to use every last scrap for quilting - a girl after my own heart!

Diann said...

I blog at

Sewgirl said...

I like Bonnie Hunters blog. Right now she's just ending her trip to Bali and it has been fun armchair traveling with her.

Sewgirl said...

Yea! I'm a follower!

Shelia said...

Love your blog and giveaway. Thanks for the opportunities to win.
My blog is.

Shelia said...

I'm a follower. Happy quilting!

Melanie said...

My one of my favorite blogs to read is

RobbieJoy said...

I love Aunt Polly's Porch. She's so creative and cheerful.

RobbieJoy said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the awesome giveaway

Judi said...

My blog is and my favorite blog to read is - she is a hand quilter and gets so much accomplished. Such an inspiration to me.

Judi said...

I'm a follower

Anda W said...

I am a new follower, thanks for the chance to win fabulous items! awolk at rogers dot com

Anda W said...

My fave blog is Jo's Country Junction! awolk at rogers dot com

Barb and Sharon said...

I blog with my sister at
She talks about food and i talk about quilts.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading the blog Grace and Favour. I am finding so many great blogs as I do this blog give away.

Myself said...

I don't have a blog but I love (and subscribed to lots of them :))- one of my favorites is Made by Rea :)

Myself said...

I'm your follower :)

sherry said...

blogging at

sherry said...

am a follower

Emma said...

Ooh, love the crowns fabric :) I blog at

Bossymamma said...

My blog is at

dfne at peterjh dot wanadoo dot co dot uk

beaquilter said...

what a nice giveaway. I love LOTS of blogs. Bonnie Hunters blog and also Leah Day's blog with 365 filler designs.(have a look at mine too)

Jamie Leigh Martin said... This is my blog!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Gorgeous giveaway Amy!
You know me :)

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